Customers can order parts directly from the factory between 8:30 and 5 Pacific time, weekdays. Alternately you can email our parts department. All orders or inquiries must have the serial number. Parts orders can only be taken for customers in the U.S. International correspondence should be directed to your International Distributor. Tip: When ordering parts, describe the piece exactly as it is on the product. (Example: Master Slide Pot; PCB Mount Headphone Jack; Phono 1 RCA Jacks.)
serato dj serial number or voucher code
Rane product serial numbers have taken on various forms over the 20 plus years we have been manufacturing units. In the very early days, units contained part of the model number within the serial number, and all of this type start at 1002. A period separates the model letters from the serial numerals, (Examples: AC3.2345 is an AC 23 from 1986, MP.1234 is an MP 24 from 1986 and ME.3333 is an ME 15 from 1987) These are found on a vinyl silver sticker, with black print about 1 1/2" wide and 3/8" tall. There may be as many as five digits after the model designation. The date code is a separate similar tag but only 1/2" wide by 3/16" tall. Numbering represents the manufacturing quarter of the year the piece was made, (Examples: 1-88 is January, February or March of 1988, 4-90 is October, November or December of 1990). Starting January of 1999, we changed to month codes. (Examples: Later smaller sticker 2-99 means February 1999 and 9-99, indicates September 1999). Silver tags were installed on either rear or side panels as matched pairs. On March 15, 1994 we changed to nonsensical serial numbers, dropping the model number from the nomenclature. The first of this type is serial 30001, (an AD 22 for those interested --- having a date code of 1-94). Finally, in October of 1999, we changed to a white thermal paper bar code sticker, listing both serial number and date code together. Isn't togetherness better? These are mounted on the side of the unit. Dimensions are 2 1/2" high by 1 1/2" wide. Each has (21) before the eight digit serial number (Example: (21) 00333333 [an ME 60 from August 2001]). Serial numbers are the bottom row of digits on the bar code decal. So for all those looking at used gear, be aware of what the date code can tell you. Also be specific and complete with regard to model numbers: an MP 24 is significantly different from an MP 24z. Likewise an AD 22 and AD 22d share very little in common with regard to circuitry. Do not tear off or alter serial number tags: it voids your warranty. To the purchaser of used gear we say: "caveat emptor" (let the buyer beware). 2ff7e9595c